The Last Ones
Posted on September 6, 2007
It's another remnant of a earlier time. The last set in service in Canada. Located at Mile 184.94 of the CN CASO subdivision, this lone set of Wig Wag signals operate perhaps a couple of times a day. The former Canada Southern mainline, now a shadow of its former self, sees little traffic. But for now, they are still in service, swinging away with each passing train.
GNMRE Update
Posted on November 3, 2005
We have been busy since the last open house. We removed roughly a 1/4 of the layout, from the tunnel portals at Brookfield East all the way around and through Jamestown, including the town itself and have rebuilt the whole section to a totally new design. We are at about 90% completion of the mainline trackage.
Why did we make such a massive change? The staging yard that was located under Jamestown was rapidly becoming unusable due to deteriorating trackwork, and it was not large enough, consisting of just 2 tracks. Construction on Jamestown had stagnated and we were experiencing some other trackwork problems in Brookfield.
With a great surge of enthusiasm, members disassembled the area back to bare benchwork and began again. The new section will contain all code 83 trackage and feature handlaid switches and Tortoise switch machines.
Interested in seeing what we been up to? Our open houses are on November 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th, 2005, from 12:00 to 4:30pm. Come on out and have a look.
Needle in a Haystack
Posted on February 6, 2005
It may be gone as a corporate entity, but pieces of equipment remain. They seem to be a bit more elusive than most to find, but every once in a while, you find one.
Saturday, February 5th, 2005: TH&B Cylindrical Covered Hopper #1502 is seen sitting on unused track south of CPR's Expressway Intermodal Terminal, just off of Derry Road.