The Club was formed in the spring of 1967 as a result of a meeting between the members of the Niagara Falls Lutheran Model Railroad Club and the Niagara Falls Model Railroad Club. Members of the new club met in the basement of the Lutheran Church on Victoria Ave, in Niagara Falls and later in member's homes on a rotating basis.
The Club's first open house was held in the George Vanier School and featured displays, clinics and the Club's portable modular layout.
After several meetings it was decided that the home rotation method was impractical with over 20 members and a permanent location was required. The Niagara Falls Recreation Commission offered the use of a room at the recreation center at Montrose and Lundy's Lane and when members decided to build a permanent layout the use of the old Chippawa Town Hall was cleared.
After beginning construction on a layout in 1972 the Town Hall was leased to a commercial business and a new location had to be found.
A lengthy search determined that a location in a city would be too expensive at current rates. A member from Fenwick then suggested an unused building owned by the Town of Pelham. A lease agreement was struck with the town and work on the building began. A new furnace, wiring, roof, insulation, plaster and plumbing all were required to refurbish the building that has now been the Club's home since 1974.
The Club is now located at 1141 Maple Street in Fenwick. This building was originally a meeting hall built by the Hicksite Quakers on the corner of Welland and Effingham road in 1875.
The building was moved to its present location for the Fenwick Women's Institute to use for meetings as early as 1929. After many years of use the Women's Institute was disbanded and the Town of Pelham used the building for storage.
In November of 1973 the Town graciously granted the Club the use of the building on a leasehold basis. Members undertook the large task of restoring the building to serviceable condition and continue to maintain it as a condition of the agreement with the Town of Pelham.
Club Mission
The Club's mission, as stated in its constitution is, "To further the hobby of Model Railroading in the Niagara Region" and "To promote the social activities and the greater fellowship among model railroaders." The Club is a meeting place for model railroaders and others interested in model railroading. We invite other like minded people to join and share their enthusiasm and interests.
Membership is open to anyone 14 years of age or over. To apply new members must submit an application and attend eight or more meetings (of which two must be business meetings) and then be approved by the membership.
Upon acceptance, a member is responsible for one month's dues and the donation of an approved railway car with Kadee couplers. Formal obligations of the members is kept to a minimum and the Club relies on the voluntary participation of the members. Members are treated equally no matter what their level of participation.